”Even people who claim everything is predetermined and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.”
- Enter the stargate.
- Earth 2.0.
- And when black holes collide…
- When Tattooine’s suns collide…
- The Milky Way’s violent past.
- Is Mercury the last planet standing?
- Invaders from Mars.
- Twenty-five century-old mystery solved by numismatist.
- What did the Dogon know?
- Heavy metal from Atlantis?
- The universal language.
- Testing the vimana’s flight capability.
- Traveling faster than light.
- Two cultures, one story.
- Will super-insulated nano-clothing replace heaters?
- Andromeda Galaxy is ready for its close-up.
- Monkey see, monkey mirror.
- Hacking transcends the interwebs.
- Is one extra second too much time for the inter webs?
- This week’s evidence of the looming robot uprising… Geisha ‘bots.
Quote of the Day:
“We are all different – but we share the same human spirit. Perhaps it’s human nature that we adapt – and survive.”
Stephen J. Hawking