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News Briefs 07-01-2015

It seems the new year will have to deal with the same old $#!t…

Thanks to Susan and Kapryan.

Quote of the Day:

“Only weakened and failing states treat these crimes as acts of war. Only they send their leaders diving into bunkers and summoning up ever darker arts of civil control, now even the crudities of revived torture. Such leaders cannot accept that such outrages will always occur, everywhere. They refuse to respect limits to what a free society can do to prevent them.”

~Simon Jenkins.

  1. Nice Tan Line, Philae
    Moses obviously judges in favor of the speedo over more conservative baggies!

    Either the colliding black holes are concealing a time capsule (seems plausible enough), or there’s a broken link there.

    So, the fact that there have been no Big Foot road kills proves they are more intelligent than the average bear (or DMV officer)?

    Haven’t sewage treatment plants been turning crap into drinking water for some time now? It’s just not something they brag about I guess.

    What was the name of that 1,000th exo-planet? Shouldn’t we be sending them a prize?

    Thanks for the ketamine, but could you rotate the feature blogs a little more often this year? In other words, can any body else get some strokes from Ganesha already! Just saying, haha.

  2. The Boston Time Capsule
    A photograph shows the silver plaque which reportedly commemorates the erection of the State House. However all I can see are the words ‘Grand Lodge’…

    Or is the State House the same thing?

    Just wondering…

  3. Happy News Year!
    Fireball: [quote=]On occasion, pockets of gas contained within meteors as they burn apart while entering Earth’s atmosphere can cause erratic, and often seemingly “controlled” movements.[/quote]

    So…the meteorite farted?

    Popocatépetl: It looks like a bunch of average sized folks on a mountain climbing expedition, there is nothing around to compare their size to. Is it possible someone who is developing a new type of climbing shoe is on the mountain trying to get a feel for how it works? The video says they were 2 meters tall, so 6.5 feet tall? My boss is 6 foot tall, my uncle was 6’5″, and all my cousins are 6′ and above. Holy crap I have giants in my family 😛

    Arizona creatures: Apparently they were a family of black bears, at least that’s what the channel 6 news said here in NJ.

    Red Pill of the Day: That’s…just nasty. I don’t care who is depicted in the cartoon…I didn’t need to see that. I know it’s art, I’m not saying it isn’t and if you’re into that stuff than fine. Same reason I choose NOT to see hentai 😛

    1. Popo
      It’s clear to me the photo illustrating the story has NO direct link to the story related by the mountaineers who have allegedly observed those tall creatures.

      Re. the RPotD, yeah I know it’s nasty, but hopefully the image didn’t trigger uncontrollable murdering impulses in you, right?

      Right? 😉

      1. Murder He Wrought

        Despite the incredible response in France and the world over the attack, there are still mixed emotions.

        On the one hand, religion (of all flavors) deserves to be lampooned (and even lam-porned) for the role it has played in our collective history of deception and exploitation. It has been truly revolting! On the other hand, religion does encode a vestige of lost knowledge that we should not have to learn again from scratch. And there are still so many people trapped in oppressive cultures with no hope of escape. But, instead of opening up the hidden storehouse to all of mankind, our religious leaders seek to maintain the policy of secrecy (for the eyes of the “initiate/insider” only) and guarding their congregations like they are little children. This is not the way to win any “War on Terrorism.”

        Likewise, the world’s financial systems are still based on the principle of the rich getting richer. The recent attacks are likely to be used to justify greater liberties for the “haves” to control the “have nots.” Again, this is not an effective strategy for alleviating the worldwide frustration of poverty, pollution and disease.

        Our world religious and political leaders have gathered in Paris to hold hands and sing Kumbaya, but what real change is going to come out of it?

    2. Abuse of Freedom?
      It does seem rather pointless to poke fun at people who aren’t able to laugh at themselves or their culture.

      Also, it hasn’t been very long since we’ve enjoyed “freedom from religion” in the West, so it’s quite hypocritical for the newly liberated to flaunt it by indulging in culturally insensitive humor toward the Middle East.

      I personally don’t think there is much that’s sacred in the universe, much less on Earth, but I’m still open to the idea. Searching for the “Holy Grail” isn’t for the squeamish!

      1. ‘Freedom’ of Speech
        Can I just say one thing about this whole cartoon mishegoss? Le Suis Charlie are known for pissing off the terrorists. This is not the first time they had released something that set certain groups off AND to be more specific not every Muslim is pissed off at the cartoon, just the extremists. This is also not the first time they have been warned or attacked, just the first time I think deaths have actually occurred. While no one should ever be afraid to speak their mind or draw their mind, as it were, I think that if my business was getting death threats, I would try to dial back the insults. Why are we attacking their religion or gods? It’s not the religion or the god that is causing the problem, it’s the HUMAN BEINGS misinterpreting the teachings and taking them into a context that involves killing people. Then again, why does anyone, no matter the religion, give a shit about what religion or beliefs I or anyone else has? Who cares what they believe or don’t believe?!

        I kind of relate this whole thing to the end of “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,” where even after the Grinch steals all the presents the Whos come all together and sing. In the end all these terrorists seem to be able to do in killing these people (not just this attack but all their attacks) is bring people closer together rather than causing civil unrest. I feel like it would do the terrorists some good to watch Saturday morning cartoons and see that the US and everyone are constantly making fun of themselves. No body cares what you believe in, they are too busy caring about themselves.

        So can we stop attacking people’s beliefs then calling it free speech, please? No? Well then who wants to join me in my underground bunker? I have room for four and my dog counts as one so…

        1. Joe Sacco
          I found this during the weekend. I think it’s very relevant to the discussion:

          Joe Sacco: On Satire – a response to the Charlie Hebdo attacks

          As for the criminals’ (I’m not sure they should be labeled ‘terrorists’) goal, I read somewhere that, if Al Qaeda was really behind the Charlie Hebdo attack, then their aim might have been to radicalize the French Muslims by provoking the authorities into the same kind of repressive measures that were adopted by the US after 9/11. A tall order, considering that the people of Muslim origin living in France are among the more secular and less politicized in the whole world.

          Then again, the man who killed the hostages in the Kosher market claimed to have ties with the Islamic State, which is an enemy of Al Qaeda. So it could very well be the criminals didn’t have real ties to neither of those associations.

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