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News Briefs 1-12-2014

Your soundtrack for today’s news briefs is an echo from the past

Thanks David.

Quote of the Day:

We protect our money behind safes, we protect our security behind the Pentagon, behind giant walls. But we allow any kind of idea through our skulls.

Grant Morrison

  1. Possession
    While I agree that many, many cases of possession are psychosomatic there are the cases of possession that involve bizarre and inexplicable physical phenomena – levitation, scratching of skin in places impossible for the victim to reach and sometimes in script, “impossible” kinetics involving physical objects in the vicinity – all studiously ignored or written off by the author of the article who would rather deride these things as being the province of fictional movies. Once again, we have here an author who has a not very holistic grasp of the subject whether by ignorance or design.

    The other possibility is that these people are not demonically possessed but just exhibiting super normal powers of the human mind to affect the physical environment. Either way, there is something happening beyond the purview of conservative science.

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