Wake me when the gamma ray burst is coming…
- Gamma ray bursts may reduce the likelihood of alien life significantly, with complex life perhaps possible in only one in ten galaxies.
- Real-life researchers discuss interstellar travel.
- Strange thrust: the unproven science that could propel our children into space.
- Why do bad things happen in slow-motion?
- Dismembering history: the shady online trade in ancient texts.
- Researcher finds Stone Age board game.
- Ancient Egyptian handbook of spells deciphered.
- Picatrix: The ancient Arabian boook of astrology and occult magic.
- ‘Underwater Pompeii‘ discovered off Greek Island.
- Robot submarines reveal that Antarctic sea ice is much thicker than previously thought. Wake up sheeple, that’s only what our future robot overlords want us to think!
- What’s this? Oh just another malicious spyware tool probably created by the NSA. Nothing to see, your nation loves you, move along…
- To understand the anomalous, we need more skepticism, not less.
- New species of bird discovered in Indonesia.
- Researchers find that one kiss can share 80 million bacteria.
- The mysterious death of Edgar Allan Poe.
- Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer: Inside the very shiny life of a 75-year-old marketing gimmick
Quote of the Day:
Our age has generated, and continues to generate, mythical material almost unparalleled in quantity and quality in the rich records of human imagination.
Jacques Vallee (on the UFO phenomenon)