“An expert is someone who knows some of the worst mistakes that can be made in his subject… and how to avoid them.”
- Higgs, Hawking and the destruction of the universe.
- Life on la luna?
- Like a cosmic ‘weeble’, hot jupiters cause wobble.
- The living seas.
- Stonehenge… Spinal Tap was right.
- The first interstellar ice.
- Predicting Venus’ forecast.
- Nature wins.
- The anti-aging app?
- The physics of the afterlife.
- Is this your afterlife– or someone else’s?
- Hitting reset on stem cells.
- The U.S. is not for the birds.
- Mapping inner earth.
- A planetarium director’s take on UFOs and the ‘Arthur Kill Road’ Lights.
- In a world where apes evolved from men…
- The origin of ancient astronauts?
- This week’s evidence of the pending robo-pocalypse… Unstoppable soft ’bots.
Quote of the Day:
“The more precise the measurement of position, the more imprecise the measurement of momentum, and vice versa.”
W. Heisenberg