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News Briefs 21-08-2014

What Jon said…

Thanks to officer Go F#$k Yourself.

Quote of the Day:

“Just as physical hunger is sated, at least metaphorically, by the sight of a marvelous meal, so the hunger of the soul is sated by the vision of numinous images.”

~Carl Jung. Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies. 1959.

  1. some dark shit
    Totoro: It doesn’t surprise me or shock me that Miyazaki included current events or Japanese tradition of the Shinigami in his movies. Loads of movies out of Japan and in anime do this. Go watch one of Miyazaki’s earlier movies about WWII called Grave of the Fireflies:

    Nicolas Cage: Eerie how some of them work so well you don’t notice much of a difference. That E.T. one at the end though…*shutters*

    Trident: There’s that ol’ number 3 again…fuckin’ shit up. Actually it’s strange but I senses something big would happen during the middle of the summer that would cause chaos. The “feeling” subsided after the crash of that Malaysian flight because Russia shot it out of the sky. I don’t know if 8/24 will be the beginning of the end, but it seems like everything is set to boil over. Russia and the Ukraine, Furgeson, and ISIS…the three tips of the trident all waiting for the pin to drop. I would stick Ebola and the volcano in there but I feel like natural disasters and viruses are always up and down, it’s all about timing.

    1. Trident
      It really does feel as if things are quickly accelerating, don’t they? As if we were in a train gone out of control and we know it’s gonna derail at some point, but not exactly when or where. Just a matter of time.

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