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News Briefs 18-08-2014

Today’s flotsam.

Quote of the Day:

The age of automation is going to be the age of ‘do it yourself.’

Marshall McLuhan

  1. cults such Dawkins´
    I wish there were far more Dawkins around to inspire people. No one knows the truth, I guess he is even aware of that. He says a lot of important stuff however, much of it true. The article linked to is not inspiring or adding anything of importance.

    1. Re: Hole In Skulls
      Re: Fossil skulls with high impact holes.

      What is the possibility that these impacts could have been caused by small meteorites? Usually, small meteorites burn up in the atmosphere, but there is a possibility that larger ones by the time they got to terra firma had enough mass left to behave as bullets. I remember the story about Siberian mammoth remains showing tiny but high energy impacts in the fossil tusks, so if the conditions are right small, bullet sized meteorites have been known to pepper the planet at ground level, and they would all have the energy to behave as bullets.

      1. exit wound
        I’m assuming that the other side of the skull had no exit wound because that would make me says “they got shot” if they were modern skulls. I think I may know the answer. Fangs. It could be possible these people were attacked by a prehistoric feline or other animal, which would also explain the cow skull they show. I say feline because canines crush and hold when they bite and felines just hold until the victim stops moving. Here is an example of a skull with bite marks that are similar. Warning, the image is somewhat gory:

        I imagine a bullet or even a meteor would have a similar effect to each other and the exit of the projectile would cause the other side of the skull to shatter from the impact.

    2. Dawkins used to inspire
      Dawkins used to inspire people.
      Oh, maybe 30 years ago or so. He used to inspire me.

      Now he just inspires people to swarm like hysterical anti-bodies onto the comments spaces of mildly disparaging articles.

  2. Beach
    Once in a while on TDG I get to read an article that I really really enjoy. Today it was the article on beaches where “strange things wash ashore.” I don’t think there is an inch of my room spared – covered in things I’ve collected from the beach. I have been an avid beachcomber since I could walk, it runs in my family. The beach I go to is actually known for it’s cow bones that wash ashore. Back as late as the 1940s, ships filled to the brim with cow bones cut up from the slaughterhouses in South Jersey (New Jersey, USA) would haul the bones up the cost to be ground up in New York and sometimes shipwreck on rocks causing them to loose the cargo. I have jaws, horns, skulls, and femurs in a box that looks like a horror show. The glass that washes up on the shore is called sea glass, in fact I know the person who took the photo they are using of Glass Beach, Fort Bragg. It really does look like that. Back in the 1800s through the 1970s it was a glass dump and years of weathering caused the glass to replace the sand. You actually can’t go to most of the beach now as it is a protected area, as the animals there have adapted to look like the glass. There are some places you can go to get the glass but I won’t tell where out of respect for the locals. A lot of the stuff I find I use to make into sculptures and art pieces. I am a proud collector of flotsam and jetsam, I have wrote many articles on the things we can find on the beach, and if anyone ever wants to know what it is they found I’d be happy to help them. Peace…

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