Today’s flotsam.
- The concentric circles of
Dante’s HellDawkins’ cult. - Did Hollywood icon King Kong gave birth to Nessie?
- Janet Bord reviews Seeing Fairies from Anomalist Books at the Magonia blog.
- Sunbeam at Callanish stone circle may be ancient calendar.
- The forgotten stones of Aswan Quarry.
- Prehistoric skulls with bullet-like holes pose an enigma.
- UK councils field weird FOI requests on dragons, ghosts and pet exorcisms.
- Homni: The new superorganism taking over Earth.
- Could cannabis-based batteries be the future?
- Pastafarian fights for his right to wear a colander on his head in driving licence photo.
- Game-tokens found in 5,000-year-old burial mound.
- Ghost Box creator Frank Sumption has died.
- Dr Robin Carhart-Harris: the first scientist in over 40 years to test LSD on humans.
- Bones from nearly 50 ancient flying reptiles discovered.
- Beaches where strange things wash ashore.
- The King’s Psychic.
- Ancient Maya cities found in jungle.
- Humans need not apply.
Quote of the Day:
The age of automation is going to be the age of ‘do it yourself.’
Marshall McLuhan