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News Briefs 23-07-2014

It’s hump day! To celebrate, here’s some kayakers getting a lift from a humpback whale

Quote of the Day:

If you think you know what the hell is going on, you’re probably full of shit.

Robert Anton Wilson

  1. Whales and bugaboos
    English translation: Oh look at the nice wha- Oh SHIIIIII

    [quote=From commenter below the article] I think that this was WRONG, very wrong. Besides the video that I think it’s genuine and the experience which I’m sure was awesome. We have the possibility of watch them in wild life and we are so pedant to believe that we’re not disturbing them! They travel thousends of kms to find a quiet place to reproduce and here we go! Let’s take a freaking video to show the world how we nag them! I’m extremed pissed off of this kind of people who believes that their experience are more important than taking care of the wild life! There is a reason why this is AGAINST the law! We need to protect them, not to disturb them when they’re trying to bring more whales to the world![/quote]

    Oh get of it you PETA pusher! They weren’t harming the whales and clearly almost capsizing was not on their to do list. The whale just popped up under them. Yes, you should always keep a safe distance form animals especially if you are floating an inch above the water, but think of how many videos we’ve seen recently that capture something similar. It’s an accident. Now t the guy who about a year ago thought it would be fun to hold onto a whale sharks’ fin and go for a ride, that’s illegal and stupid. Whale watching is not and they are lucky to live in an area to see whales. Something tells me this commenter doesn’t besides the fact that she/he contradicts her argument in the first two sentences 😛

    Bugs: Swarm of mayflys may cause it’s own weather scan on radar but they die in a day. Now if you ever get a swarm of those Chinese bugs…RUN…YOU RUN FAR AWAY!!!

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