It’s hump day! To celebrate, here’s some kayakers getting a lift from a humpback whale…
- The non-human DNA found in ‘Oetzi the Iceman’.
- Vintage bling: Ancient Celts may have had shiny dental implants.
- Construction of Stonehenge voted the event from history Brits would most like to witness.
- Mammoth tusk used as ceremonial offering by early inhabitants of Mexico.
- Why did the Titanic sink? Duh, the mummy’s curse, of course.
- The army of Viking warriors beneath the streets of Dublin.
- Woman speaks foreign language without learning it…as it was spoken 150 years ago.
- Millions of dollars worth of gold recovered from famous 19th century shipwreck.
- Huge crop circle appears overnight in southwest England (video).
- The Travellers: the science of out-of-body experiences.
- Early life may have thrived in the wreckage of a meteorite.
- Is that a spacecraft in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
- Spinning neutron star undergoes dramatic change in behaviour never before observed.
- The Third Machine Age could destroy us.
- DARPA wants to fund research into predatory bacteria.
- They’re heee-eere. Massive mayfly emergence in Wisconsin.
- World’s largest aquatic insect found in China.
Quote of the Day:
If you think you know what the hell is going on, you’re probably full of shit.
Robert Anton Wilson