Deluded? Nah, not me!
- Near-death experiences are overwhelmingly peaceful.
- An ear-grass is the latest in chimp fashion, but maybe their taste in music has deeper roots.
- The influence of expectation on perception revealed in an impressive audio illusion.
- Stonehenge: a ‘botched job by cowboy builders‘ according to Professor Ronald Hutton.
- 9 stunning panoramas of starry skies, captured with a homemade camera rig.
- Is this an automatic sperm extractor, or is someone taking the piss?
- Is this a Gollum-like creature, or was someone taking a piss?
- The Ambonwari of Papua New Guinea use cell phones to call the dead (in between games of Flappy Bird).
- Why some urban legends go viral.
- Tomb of Golden Dawn founder S.L. MacGregor Mathers unearthed in Paris.
- Sarah Angliss on the unheimlich manoeuvres of Ventriloquism.
- ‘The Youngness Paradox’: why SETI has not found any signals from extraterrestrial civilisations.
- Or maybe they’ve just cleaned up their act: pollution on other worlds may show ‘advanced’ alien life.
- Girl ‘possessed’ after Ouija session revealed to have taken shamanic drug.
- Warning signs erected for River Avon Crocodile.
- 50,000 year-old poo confirms Neanderthals ate veggies.
- Robot to hitchhike across Canada.
Quote of the Day:
When told that man lives in delusion everyone thinks of himself as the exception; hence his delusion.
Vernon Howard