- World Cup player has precognitive dream of kicking winning goal.
- The Man Who Speaks For Earth: composing SETI’s interstellar messages.
- We Are Dead Stars: a video about how we’re all made of stardust.
- Spiders tune their webs like a guitar, and play Stealers Wheel.
- Our eight-legged friends also divide labor by personality.
- They also make spider-shaped decoys in the Peruvian Amazon.
- The Cave of Swimmers: rock art from the border of Egypt & Libya.
- University of New Mexico will offer a free online curandero class.
- Neuroscientist Dr Michele Ross describes her DMT trip.
- Don’t drink the water… and definitely don’t trust the fairies.
- Dr Beachcombing explores hallucinogenic fairies on the Isle of Wight.
- Cosmonaut Pavel Popovich’s close encounters with UFOs.
- Does a medieval woodcut depict a UFO battle over Nuremberg?
- The Tibetan lama who wrote a world geography in 1830.
- Missing child turns out to be a large green parrot stuck up a tree.
- Mance Rayder spoils Japan’s plan to build an ice wall around Fukushima.
Quote of the Day:
We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize that we only have one.
~ Tom “Loki” Hiddleston