- Malaysia’s Senoi people have the key to peace: dreaming.
- Tool’s Adam Jones talks about using sacred geometry for their tour.
- SETI ebook: Archaeology, Anthropology, & Interstellar Communication.
- Is NASA getting ready to communicate with extraterrestrials?
- The Wow! Signal is our best candidate for an alien radio transmission.
- Astronauts report strange shenanigans in the ‘bermuda triangle of space’.
- Dan Aykroyd discusses UFOs & his own personal sighting.
- Is our galaxy’s monster black hole actually a wormhole?
- Does a habitable environment exist on a Martian volcano?
- HAARP is closing, but try convincing conspiracy theorists of that.
- The scary, wonderful future of DARPA’s science fair.
- Sea creature can regrow its brain in less than four days.
- Orange cat litter is chief suspect in nuclear waste accident.
Thanks Kat & Greg.
Quote of the Day:
In Norwegian, Våryr means “spring dizzy”; the word is used to describe what people experience when, after the long, dark winter, the days begin to lengthen.