Transmissions from a Dying Planet
- Why habitable exoplanets are bad news.
- Will rogue geo-engineers blackmail the planet?
- Time’s arrow could be explained by quantum entanglement.
- How we all could benefit from synaesthesia.
- Medieval bishop’s theory resembles modern concept of multiple universes.
- Erik Davis on VALIS, P.K.D. and High Weirdness.
- The mythological origins of language diversity.
- Graham Hancock and Joe Rogan discuss Randall Carlson’s paradigm changing research.
- Did Vitamin B3 come from space?
- The return of Twin Peaks (on Twitter).
- The bias of scientific materialism and the reality of paranormal experience.
- Tibetan Lama tells of UFO.
- Loch Ness monster a serpentine water deity, according to Britain’s first Buddhist Lama.
- Scientists hack place memories.
- Jason Silva tells the story of storytelling.
- The Anomalous Mind Management, Abductee, Contactee Helpline: UK’s first support group for people who believe they have had contact with extra-terrestrials.
- Facial recognition system that can outdo humans.
- Monkeys do math.
- The “numbers station” of YouTube.
- Occult graffiti.
Quote of the Day:
In this globalized world, it’s no longer possible for societies to collapse one by one. A collapse that we face, if there is going to be a collapse, it will be a global collapse.