“Nonsense is nonsense, but the history of nonsense is scholarship.”
- Earliest British examples of metal-working and wood turning found on Dartmoor.
- Tubs of flour provide clue to earthquake lights phenomenon.
- Study reveals astronomical alignment of Nabatean monuments including Petra.
- Scientists unlock mystery of out-of-body experiences. Or do they?
- Epistemic vigilance in the nursery. Some people mistake circular arguments for a sign of authority. 3-year-olds know better.
- Mexico’s Pyramid of the Sun is slowly turning into a pile of dust.
- Why King Tut’s DNA is fuelling race wars.
- No Planet X.
- One day, your antivirus software may kill you, let alone your killer robots.
- The growing Israeli pagan scene.
- “Dark matter MAY have killed the dinosaurs” does not equate to “Dinosaurs were NOT wiped out by dark matter”. Just sayin’.
- The emerging science of the self.
- Do the dead outnumber the living?
- How many times has Dr. Robert Schoch been wrong? asks Dr. Sam Osmanagich.
Quote of the Day:
The human mind is a delusion generator, not a window to truth.
Scott Adams