Invent your own mythology or be slave to another man’s.
- Nine new Qumran scrolls discovered.
- Revealed: The UFO-Files of the German secret service BND.
- Einstein’s lost theory found hiding in plain sight.
- The plan to wipe out Earth’s Van Allen belts with radio wave technology.
- Imaginary friends go mainstream – more children have them than ever. Us adults have social media.
- Have enormous megaliths been discovered in Southern Siberia, or are they a rare product of nature?
- Liquid machines promise new era of soft robots. Wouldn’t call the T-1000 ‘soft’ to his face.
- Genes for antibiotic resistance found in fourteenth century fossil turd.
- Brent Raynes looks into the Gateway Stone mystery at Alternate Perception.
- Welcome (back) to the Pliocene?
- In case your reading list isn’t long enough, here’s Brian Eno‘s list for the Long Now’s Manual for Civilisation collection.
- RT covers the Bizarre Rituals of the Über Elite (h/t to Disinformation).
- 10 leading cryptozoology-linked locations in Britain.
- How the Ouija Board got its name.
- Makeshift meth lab found inside Bowen’s giant 3 storey high mango following theft.
- Human Barbie tries to ‘subsist on light and air alone’.
- Roadworthy Batmobile goes on sale for $1m.
- Sea sapphire, nature’s LED.
Quote of the Day:
God is not merely a possibility, not merely a conclusion, but the starting point for any understanding at all.
John Frame