Soon, anywhere else but Earth may be considered ‘superhabitable’.
- Star next door may host a ‘superhabitable’ world.
- New DNA sequencing technique solves the problem of contamination, promising new insights into human origins from previously-handled samples.
- Dinosaur bones and jelly donuts on Mars.
- Need-based psychic ability appears to be strongest type.
- Babylonian tale of round ark draws ire from some Christian circles.
- NSA spied on climate talks so the Obama admin. could sabotage them.
- Did alien life evolve just after the Big Bang?
- Vinay Gupta talks about crisis preparation and resilience on a macro/micro scale on London Real.
- Seeing as a service: Forget augmented reality. What about diminished reality?
- New Cretaceous Titanosaur discovered.
- Mirrors may have worked magic in ancient Japanese rituals.
- Scientists who warn of the dangers of believing too much in science.
- Theo Paijmans asks “Where have all the monsters gone?”
- Is alchemy back in fashion?
- Theft of Pope John Paul II’s blood raises the question “Is there really a Satanic New Year?“
- First-person view of Felix Baumgartner’s space jump.
- Animated online realtime global weathermap. H/t BoingBoing.
- And here’s what that weather around Britain has been up to.
Thanks Rick
Quote of the Day:
Without a free press, we have nothing, not even an illusion of freedom.