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News Briefs 10-01-2014

“The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result…”

Quote of the Day:

“…He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is like that of the planter — for the future. His duty is to lay the foundation for those who are to come, and point the way. He lives and labors and hopes.”

Nikola Tesla

  1. Let’s get to the meat of it
    In re: “Pioneer Plaque message counter point?”

    Quoting Huff Puffington by way of (linked source):
    ” Not only do we kill, maim, mock and annoy each other constantly . . . we also eat living things, and search relentlessly for new planets to conquer. We suck, basically.”

    Some of us really do tend to annoy people they don’t even know based on their views of our natural, omnivorous natures. But… it’s actually a chewing action rather than sucking.

    Tigers, lions, gators, eagles, sharks, whales, dolphins, penguins, dogs, kitty-cats, wolves, coyotes, hawks, buzzards, piranha, squids and special-interest-endowed politicians of both parties… ALL eat the flesh of other critters… aka: meat.

    As for conquering other planets? Ahem.

    Anyway, I’ll take a ribeye, medium rare, please 🙂

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