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News Briefs 28-10-2013

Take a walk on the weird side:

  • Have explorers in Ecuador found ‘Lost City of Giants’? Parts 1 & 2.
  • The key to consciousness: efficient information flow?
  • Stone circle to rival Ring of Brodgar found off Orkney coast.
  • Obsessive Debunking Disorder (ODD). Are hardcore skeptics and debunkers actually brain deficient?
  • Review of ‘The Ancient Paths: Discovering the Lost Map of Celtic Europe’ by Graham Robb (Amazon US/UK).
  • Are conspiracy theories destroying democracy?
  • The monster at the center of our galaxy.
  • Palm Pilot inventor wants to open source the human brain.
  • Are strange distant stars evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence?
  • When orgasm triggers a light show: the first ever study of synaesthetic sex.
  • Peru’s UFO investigations office to be reopened.
  • Skeptiod blogger/podcaster Brian Dunning produced a hoax, but what was it?
  • Mysterious hum keeping people up all night ‘could be mating fish‘.
  • Can an algae-powered lamp quench our thirst for energy?

Quote of the Day:

Life is like Sanskrit read to a pony.

Lou Reed

  1. conspiracy theories
    IMO it’s those . ahhh .”nutty?” enough to delude themselves into thinking that everything is always open and above board that would be the “threats to democracy”.

  2. Conspiracies and Democracies…really now! Which are real?
    OH NO! I agree that there SHOULD be Public Support for Countering Dangerous False Conspiracy Myths meant to appear as legitimate Theories, BUT the idea of a Witch-hunt on those who raise potentially legitimate theories would ACTUALLY have the worst possible effect! Scary! The ANSWER cannot be CENSORSHIP and THREATS. The real answer is for the mainstream mass media news to re-establish itself as a truly unbiased and legitimate Investigative Reporting source that is independent of Big Business, Government and other Organised Entities with Dubious or Malicious designs!

    “Those who ignorantly re-enforce rational fear in the Elite are very naive fools who not only unjustifiably endanger those Elites, but also endanger many of the rest of us! Very few people who have not been Actual Elites can understand that at each level of society there are forced circumstances, involving very complex mechanisms & dependencies, that force people to act in ways that, if they could, they would rather not! The Elite need True Persons of Real Wisdom to Help restore global sanity!” JP Fenyo, aka The Free Advice Man

    1. True, false and . .
      [quote=Alienated] The real answer is for the mainstream mass media news to re-establish itself as a truly unbiased and legitimate Investigative Reporting source that is independent of Big Business, Government and other Organised Entities with Dubious or Malicious designs!

      First the very term “conspiracy theory” is disparaging. It comes from those who, for what every reason, feel a need to cling to the idea that everything is always open and above board.

      Second, who will decide which unofficial or official takes are false or real?

      Third, the mainstream media has never been that and it will take a radically different world for it to be that. It’s far too big a business and if the entities you mention didn’t realize how necessary it is for them to subtly influence and often control much of what flows to and from the media, we’d live in a very different world.

  3. Peak Trust
    In this essay I delved into the danger of living in a society where the citizens are in a perennial state of mistrust toward their appointed leaders. IMO Peak Trust is far more dangerous than Peak Energy.

    1. It’s not about people’s “mistrust”
      It’s about the growing realization that many in leadership positions are not what they appear to be. That they do many things – some well-intentioned – that are in direct contradiction to their claims. It’s also, on other levels, people beginning to look to their own sense of power rather than being sheep.

      Danger? Only if you prefer taking the blue pill. 😉

      1. Danger
        I think there’s danger in having a population that don’t trust their leaders. To put an example, that’s why so many people in the United States fear vaccinating their children.

        Is a resurgence of measles in developed nations not scary enough?

        1. Danger?
          No offense meant but I think you need to cop to being someone who is “blue pill.”

          And people don’t “fear” vaccinating their children. They have decided not to. And as I said, yes – those on the blue pill will find much of these movements fearful (“danger”)

          1. Blue pill
            Well, if saying that people deciding not to vaccinate their children is very irresponsible makes me a blue pill, then call me Cypher & buy me a steak dinner 😉

          2. Historical lessons
            [quote=red pill junkie]Well, if saying that people deciding not to vaccinate their children is very irresponsible makes me a blue pill, then call me Cypher & buy me a steak dinner ;)[/quote]

            Anyone who reads through the Spiritualism literature of the late 19th century gets a first-hand lesson in the effectiveness of vaccines. Story after story of parents losing one child, then another, then another.

            Penn and Teller can be utter dipshits sometimes, but this short clip is a fairly concise summary of things (NSFW language):


          3. Feeling blue?
            [quote=red pill junkie]Well, if saying that people deciding not to vaccinate their children is very irresponsible makes me a blue pill, then call me Cypher & buy me a steak dinner ;)[/quote]

            lol. That doesn’t make you a “blue pill” What makes you a “blue pill” is that you view things in a status quo way to the point where you think that deviation from such mainstream viewpoints is at best, silly and at worst – dangerous.

            BTW Again . no offense meant but I do find it puzzling when anyone who strongly espouses mainstream viewpoints thinks of themselves as other than that. It’s not uncommon and I don’t get it.

          4. Contrarian
            What I try NOT to be is a Contrarian. One who opposes every single dictum of the mainstream purely as a matter of principle.

          5. Contrarian is not the point
            [quote=red pill junkie]What I try NOT to be is a Contrarian. One who opposes every single dictum of the mainstream purely as a matter of principle.[/quote]

            I have no issue with you (or anyone) choosing to see things in whatever way. I do have issues with understanding why someone would choose to call themselves “red pill” when their approach and perspectives are decidedly mainstream. Though in your defense some use the phrase to mean doing what they see as “facing reality”

            As for “opposing” – the one doing that in this case is you. I did not attack or disparage those who choose to not use all vaccinations. You are doing that to those who choose otherwise. As if the fact that *you* accept them as beneficial for everyone means that all should agree. You are the one who wrote a fear-porn article about how scary it is that people are more and more questioning the actions of the “experts” and those in positions of power.

            My “matter of principle” would be “question” all dictums. And yes the mainstream is more backwards than not.

          6. You keep using that word
            [quote=pov]BTW Again . no offense meant but I do find it puzzling when anyone who strongly espouses mainstream viewpoints thinks of themselves as other than that. It’s not uncommon and I don’t get it.[/quote]

            No offence, but saying that to RPJ suggests you’re either a complete noob or you’re a troll. Again, no offence meant…

          7. Don’t let the door hit you . .
            [quote=Greg][quote=pov]BTW Again . no offense meant but I do find it puzzling when anyone who strongly espouses mainstream viewpoints thinks of themselves as other than that. It’s not uncommon and I don’t get it.[/quote]

            No offence, but saying that to RPJ suggests you’re either a complete noob or you’re a troll. Again, no offence meant…[/quote]

            Complete? No. But relatively new to this site. That said, although I genuinely meant and mean no offense to rpj, I have no such sentiment towards you. Your snark, failed snark and misplaced show of “loyalty” is idiotic. Butt out! rpj is well capable of dealing with the discussion.

          8. Irony zooms over another head
            [quote=pov][Complete? No. But relatively new to this site.[/quote]

            Perhaps that behooves a certain caution then before jumping in to tell other people all about who they are…

            [quote]I have no such sentiment towards you. Your snark, failed snark and misplaced show of “loyalty” is idiotic. Butt out![/quote]

            What’s so offensive about me telling someone who they are?

          9. Capable of dealing with the discussion
            What I feel incapable of, is trying to decide the usefulness of continuing the discussion. You’ve obviously pegged me in the category of ‘mainstream supporter’ or something to that effect.

            Sorry for not being as ‘alternative’ as you’d like me to.

            You are the one who wrote a fear-porn article about how scary it is that people are more and more questioning the actions of the “experts” and those in positions of power.

            Is it fear-porn? That’s for the reader to decide. BTW did you even bother to read it?

            Because if you do, you’d know that I put a lot of blame to the authorities for the current state of mistrust we’re experiencing in our current times.

            My “matter of principle” would be “question” all dictums. And yes the mainstream is more backwards than not.

            That may be true. But you’d agree there can be occasions when the mainstream is right, correct?

            I don’t have a problem with questioning all dictums –dictii?– But I do have a problem with immediately distrusting everything that comes from the mainstream, simply because it comes from the mainstream.

            That doesn’t make you informed. It makes you a hipster 😉

            One final thing, though. I’d advise you to mind your manners. Telling the owner of a website to ‘butt out’ is rather uncouth.

  4. Re: Some Binary Stars may be ETI in survival mode.
    I agree with the hypothesis and think its possible. I also think that TITAN masquerades as a natural moon, but is actually an internalised Living World Ship…where our primary visitors currently reside, and from where they have paid us visitations.

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