“If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate…”
- Deadly trio threatens world’s oceans.
- Four futures.
- The volcanoes of Mars.
- Cloudy with a chance of styrofoam.
- The mystery of every breath you take…
- If alien overlords ever invade, don’t call Russia.
- A black hole in need of shaving.
- A snug and cozy baby star.
- Step into the Higgsogenesis.
- The science of knocking wood and reversing bad luck.
- Printable computers.
- Traffic fumes’ impact bee’s foraging ability.
- Stopping to smell the Middle Triassic roses and nano-flowers.
- Newfound metal changes shape.
- Replica of Tut’s tomb sets up future archaeologists for epic fail.
- Hoax published in numerous open access journals.
- Study in conspiracy theorist personalities proves they were watching…
- Redefining eye-teeth.
- Rendering the elegance of pi.
- When bank robbers discovered the interwebs.
- Unraveling the hormones of jetlag.
- 260 million facet sand castle.
- Enter Shatner’s Microworld.
- This week’s proof of the looming robo-pocalypse… Self-assembling ‘bot 101 and Wildcat.
Wishing RPJ and everyone else celebrating their terrestrial years atop the globe the happiest of days and years ahead!
Quote of the Day:
“To understand yourself is the beginning of wisdom.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti