Something ate RPJ’s internet.
- Alan Moore interviewed on psychogeography.
- 3D-print your face on a piece of Mars – oh, that’s been done already? OK, so how about 3D-printing your face on a doll, 3-D printing pizza for Mars colonists and searching for faces with Google Faces?
- Conspiracy theories are a mythologization of capitalism.
- Is that why rational people buy into conspiracy theories?
- You are your data: The scary future of the quantified self movement.
- Rewriting the story of Stonehenge.
- Rewriting the story of paganism: Wikipedia’s anti-pagan, in-house troll finally banned.
- The Onion’s Future News from the year 2137.
- Nano “flowers” created in lab.
- – paranormal dating: “Like a normal dating site but with more dead people”.
- Orbit helicopter controlled by biofeedback.
- Republished by Anomalist Books: Operation Trojan Horse – The Classic Breakthrough Study of UFOs by John A. Keel.
- Monster Files – unleashed by Nick Redfern.
- Robert Crumb talks about life, books, and LSD.
Thanks Rick, Cat and RPJ!
Quote of the Day:
Given that patterns are a construct of the human mind and human sense of aesthetics, it would seem to me that in a sense all patterns can be seen as patterns that aren’t there. By the same token, though, the only measure of a pattern’s actual validity is therefore in its elegance or its utility.
Alan Moore