There ought to be a better way of beginning the day than waking up in the morning.
- When did humans come to the Americas? Recent scientific findings date their arrival earlier than ever thought, sparking hot debate among archaeologists.
- Humanity’s profound need for objects created purely to delight, to entrance, or to inspire awe or reverence, is as old as the frontal cortex itself.
- Egyptian police catch man with 863 artefacts stolen from illicit excavations.
- Mexican archaeologists find complex panel of 1,000-year-old petroglyphs.
- How scientists accidently discovered supertasting mutant humans.
- An American attempt to bore down into Lake Whillans, a body of water buried almost 1km under the Antarctic ice, has achieved its aim.
- ‘Burn it in situ’: New lab could unlock vast potential of seabed methane ice.
- Heat from cities often gets lifted into the jet stream and affects temperatures in places thousands of miles away.
- Controversial theory that the way we smell involves a quantum physics effect has received a boost, following experiments with human subjects.
- Quantum biology: Do weird physics effects abound in nature?
- At ‘approved’ levels, common pesticides kill frogs within an hour.
- Video: Dolphin asks human divers for help.
- Video: Pod of dolphins form ‘life raft’ to aid dying companion.
- Holy cow: Newest member of the herd has three nostrils.
- ‘Kung-fu elephants kick down our camera traps.’
- Time travel study shows my years take up more space than yours.
- Enfield resident: We just saw the bed go up in the air. Are poltergeists an economic phenomenon?
- Why did men stop wearing high heels?
Quote of the Day:
One of the problems of taking things apart and seeing how they work – supposing you’re trying to find out how a cat works–you take that cat apart to see how it works, what you’ve got in your hands is a non-working cat. The cat wasn’t a sort of clunky mechanism that was susceptible to our available tools of analysis.
Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.