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News Briefs 14-01-2013

How long will they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look?

  • Ecuadorean tribe will ‘die fighting’ to defend rainforest.
  • Climbing out of uncanny valley?
  • Don’t be a dick. The science of why comment trolls suck.
  • Brian Cox effect‘ leads to surge in demand for physics.
  • If the universe is a giant brain, then this is not the largest known structure in the universe (Brian Cox’s head, maybe?).
  • This isn’t the petition response you’re looking for.
  • Ageing processs in mice reversed.
  • Fisher-Price synesthesia.
  • Emerging evidence of Jimmy Savile’s satanic rituals involving rape, in public hospital.
  • Could crows be mind-readers?
  • Mongooses talk like humans.
  • Fascinating survey of medieval church graffiti.
  • The 12 cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational.
  • Silbo gomero: A whistling language revived.
  • Not mushroom for all that detail.
  • Turtles all the way down, or just a jellyfish?

Quote of the Day:

Experiences are the chemicals of life with which the philosopher experiments.

Manly P Hall

    1. bird brains
      i strongly believe that all animals can “read minds” as well as subtle chemical changes in the air to our scent and even aura in which they pick up on and can learn to interpret into speech.

  1. the colors
    Me and my former boss both have number synesthesia where by we see numbers as colors. For example, if i think of number 2 it always appears in a green. and even if i try to picture it as a different color, i can but it doesn’t feel “right.” my boss and i do not share the same colors to numbers though, for example, #9 for me is black and for her it’s maroon. We both see 0 as white. and for me double digits are not necessarily a blend of two colors. #33 to me is like a fushia. However #456 is yellow, green, and blue respectively, even though none of those numbers on their own are those colors. it’s weird. I can’t say if it occurred from watching too much Sesame Street or playing with Fisher Price. I didn’t have the fridge numbers when I was a kid only the letters, and letters don’t appear to me colors, that and i was missing half the letters.

    i’m just a weird person 😉

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