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News Briefs 04-10-2012

News to amuse

Quote of the Day:

In the case of news, we should always wait for the sacrament of confirmation.


  1. 3012 reddit
    so in the future…..there is only one race and “pocket whales” have replaced cats on the internet. and people are still getting plastered and telling me about it. nothing changed! I love how Bill Murray is haunting people and how Christianity is apparently gone but God still exists. My favorite was “Got drunk and slept with a Keplerian, now she want to do The Ritual with me. Advice?” and “they are misguided, and delicious.” I’m amazed no one was bitching about the iPhone 10,000.5 and its lack of intergalactic hybridization on its nanosynchronized versachip 😛

    ZexSnax………they are sooooo delicious….

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