“To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.”
- Miky Way’s twin galaxy.
- The smooth universe.
- More on possible Mars UFO.
- The future of life on earth?
- Mysterious planetary tilt, unraveled.
- Curiosity’s 7 minutes of terror.
- Digging for Hubble’s treasures.
- Time reversal of water waves, accomplished.
- When art restoration goes wrong… and viral.
- Supernova nursery, spotted.
- The ultimate flux capacitor?
- Do twins commit the perfect murder twice?
- Language family tree rooted in Turkey.
- Today’s forecast calls for cloudy skies.
- Cold winters linked to solar cycle.
- Arctic ice hits a new low.
- The benefits of selfishness?
- A path for paralysis sufferers to regain speech.
- Scientists crack code to give vision to the blind.
- City, empire, church, nation.
- The collapse of the Mayan Empire, explained?
- From Baraka to Samsara.
- I think therefore I am… still perplexed.
- The benefit of cats.
- The good, the bad, the re-booted.
- When Cypress Hill meets squid: Insane in the chromosphere.
- This week’s shocking proof of the coming robot revolt… ‘Bot becomes self aware.
With thanks to Perceval and RPJ!
Quote of the Day:
“We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.”
S. Hawking