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Awake Within a Dream

Our friends at Reality Sandwich have added a feature article excerpted from Paul and Charla Devereux’s Lucid Dreaming: Accessing Your Inner Virtual Realities (Amazon US or Amazon UK), which Daily Grail Publishing released a couple of years ago. The excerpt is titled “Awake Within a Dream“, and offers a few basic ways to access this neglected human talent for your own benefit:

You have to find ways to alert yourself within a normal dream that you are dreaming, but the level of consciousness that has to be achieved requires a fine balancing act between falling back into unaware dreaming, or waking up from sleep altogether. It is virtually a form of yoga that can only be learned through trial and error. Emotional control, even a measure of detachment, is necessary to maintain a lucid dream experience for any length of time. If you become too excited, you wake up; if too absorbed in the content of the lucid dream, there is a risk of slipping back into ordinary, non-aware dreaming. “Like crossing a narrow board, you must keep your balance to avoid falling one way or the other,” Garfield advises.

…We have given each of the lucid dream induction “packages” described below a “brand name”. Look at all these packages as if you were browsing along a supermarket shelf. Pick out those that have an initial appeal for you, and leave the others until another visit if necessary.

Go check out the full article at Reality Sandwich, and also take a look at another excerpt from the book posted here on TDG, “Introduction to Lucid Dreaming“. Better yet, go grab a copy of the complete book for your continued personal reference from Amazon US or Amazon UK.

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  1. This reminds me…
    I had a dream recently where I was being chased by vampires. But I knew that I was dreaming. And although being chased was scary, it was also exhilarating. I actively chose to continue the dream with the understanding that if it became TOO, TOO scary I would be able to force myself to wake up. So I was a willing participant in a scary dream/game. And this dream continued on for some time.

    Eventually it ended and when I woke I felt quite happy. I had this sense that waking life here is not that different. We’re all willing participants in an – oftentimes – scary game. But leaving this reality is simply waking up to something else.

  2. Dreams of the radish fiend
    Most of my dreams are what I assume are at a normal level of pseudo-reality, and I’ve had a few lucid dreams in my life, but a couple months ago I had a lucid dream that was orders of magnitude more real than any previous lucid dream I’d had before–it was nearly as real as reality itself, and I didn’t think it was possible for people to have dreams so real. Unfortunately this dream didn’t give me any great revelations, since it was so real, it mostly amounted to me just standing somewhere on the campus of a local community college I’ve attended within the past year, that I wanted to attend again last semester but couldn’t because the class I wanted to take was full. The only meaning I could get, was “I wish I’d been able to take that class.” But I knew that already.

    The next day, I tried to figure out if there was anything different I’d done the prior day (diet, etc.) that might have caused the lucidity of the dream, but the only difference between the day preceding that dream, and the days preceding it, was that I’d had some radishes for dinner (yes, sometimes I live a boring life). So a day later, I ate some more radishes. My dreams that night were back to normal–no apparent radish effect.

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