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Dancing Past the Dark: eBook on Distressing NDEs

The near-death experience gets a lot of coverage for its apparent depiction of a wonderful afterlife of grassy meadows, loving relatives and a forgiving deity. However, there is sometimes another side to the experience that is less discussed – the smaller percentage of NDEs that are distressing to the experiencer, with visions of torment and hellish realms.

For those interested in learning more about this aspect of the NDE, you might like to check out a new ebook by near-death experience researcher Nancy Evans Bush titled Dancing Past the Dark: Distressing Near Death Experiences:

The tinge of centuries colors the way we hear today’s near-death experiences and what we make of them. Why should some individuals tell of blissful heights of spiritual experience while others believe themselves at the depths, lost in the stars or consigned to hell?

Dancing Past the Dark: Distressing Near-Death Experiences, the first comprehensive exploration of disturbing NDEs and how people interpret them, is packed with solid information and first-person narratives that, although marked by dismaying and even terrifying features, turn out to have something vital to say about life itself. Sweeping from research findings to a review of the cultural evolution of hell through a thoughtful analysis of how individuals interpret and ascribe meaning to their near-death experiences, the author, a longtime researcher of these NDEs, brings study data and years of personal insights to the questions that swirl around the topic, providing a wealth of viewpoints and ways of thinking about the subject that will be new to many readers.

You can find out more about the book, its topics, and the author, at the Dancing Past the Dark blog.

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