“Everything should be made as simple as possible… but not simpler.”
- Earth’s deadly pulse?
- Awash in nomad planets.
- Waterworld, sans ‘the Mariner’.
- New planet defies long-accepted theory.
- FTL neutrinos… or not.
- Was it Einstein’s mistake… or a loose cable?
- La Luna comes alive.
- Rain’s wasted energy, identified.
- Oceans in peril.
- A fire in the sky and a fire in the sun.
- 2009 ocean current augmented Earth’s spin.
- More evidence lends support to the Mayan drought.
- Ways the world might end.
- Mars by way of Hawaii.
- Seattle provides first forageable forest.
- Sifrhippus, aka… tiny horses.
- Bird flu gets downgraded.
- Man’s extinction staved off… for now.
- Talking gloves Vader’s imitate Vader.
- Google Street View gets wet.
- Apollo 17, the musical.
- This week’s proof of the coming robot uprising… ‘bot fish.
Quote of the Day:
“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.”
A. Einstein