“If you shoot for the stars and hit the moon… you must shoot for something.”
- Russian lunar probe may plummet to Earth on Sunday as surreal comet.
- That said, did someone just weaponize the space-race?
- $10m for the first tricorder. Trekkies start your engines…
- Circumbinary planets more common than we thought. Translation– Tattooine is *real*.
- My god, it’s full of… planets.
- Wait– are they planets… or bubbles?
- There goes a supernova…
- Out with the old (scientific model), in with the new— like linking high frequency radiation to accelerated gravity.
- Cool molecules.
- Which came first, Jerry Lee Lewis or stellar mass black holes?
- Honeybee decline linked to… insecticide.
- The black hole next door.
- Milky Way lives up to its moniker.
- Electron’s negativity changed. Disposition now much sunnier.
- A long time ago, in a van far, far away.
- Oldest human fossils, found (at least until they excavate the next strata).
- 7 million year-old tooth found in Bulgaria.
- Solar system in miniature.
- Frogs in miniature.
- Magnetic data storage in miniature.
- Gag me with a hagfish.
- This week’s proof of the looming robot revolution… cyborg beetles.
Many thanks to the Camp Crystal Lake staff and J. Vorhees.
Quote of the Day:
“Learn as though you would never be able to master it; Hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it.”