“The practical success of an idea, irrespective of its inherent merit, is dependent on the attitude of the contemporaries.”
- Exoplanet in binary orbit causes multiple polar reversals.
- A beacon to posthumously memorialize humankind?
- The missing link of galactic evolution?
- LHC redefines UFO.
- Re-adjust the doomsday clock: Expert claims 2012 end time not happening…but it’s still great fiction.
- Voyager spots Milky Way’s Lyman-alpha radiation.
- The worms of Mars.
- National Geographic’s top space pics of 2011.
- Re-discovered 1963 Arthur C. Clarke interview predicts U.S.S.R.’s 1968 lunar landing (the U.S. lands 1970).
- Canadian credited with Lascaux on the Nile discovery.
- They’re listening.
- Names for two new elements up for debate. Flerovium and livermorium?
- Print-able bones.
- Lab-forged neurons fuse with brain’s wiring.
- Hallucinations at will… or dave.
- Who needs the ‘Andromeda Strain’— Lab creates arguably “the most dangerous virus you can make”… Hooray science?
- Watching and waiting for the next flu pandemic. Wait a sec…
- Seabed lifted 16 meters by Fukushima earthquake.
- Toads: The ultimate earthquake forecaster?
- Soot: The ultimate repellant?
- Bamboo: The ultimate energy source?
- Know thy quantified self.
- Defining quantum weirdness– like entangled diamonds.
- Shall we play a… game?
- Svante Paabo, cornerstone of neanderthal neuroscience.
- When Chopra apologized to Dawkins.
- 20,000 year-old fish-hooks lend insight into ancient anglers.
- An angelic hospital visit?
- One giant bug.
- Cocktails from Hoth.
- Forget wide-angle– try wide-awesome… Tesla and Twain… together, sans photoshop.
- How to spot photoshop.
- Nine film-geek locations worthy of checking out.
- This week’s evidence of the looming robo-pocalypse…, robots building towers and *other robots* from spray foam.
Danke to GT and RPJ!
Quote of the Day:
“A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe… so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes in Nature.”
N. Tesla