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News Briefs 03-10-2011

The universe does love irony, but I think I’ll stick with the entheogen theory of humanity’s awakening.
And, happy birthday to RedPillJunkie!

Big thanks to maxeyt, Pravda’s Dmitry, RickMG, & RedPillJunkie!

Quote of the Day:

It was absolutely incredible. The first rush was a little scary as I realized it wasn’t the placebo. That passed and next I was crossing boundaries of time and space and reality. I felt this weightlessness, this sense of being close to an unspeakable beauty that was unlike anything in my experience. For the first time since my diagnosis, I was not afraid of anything. The wall of depression that was building up day by day, the fear that I was going to die soon, that my daughter is only 8 — all those things disappeared. I wanted to stay there. I wanted it to last longer. I walked out of the session happy, unafraid of death. I don’t know why, but a transformation took place after being in that peaceful place. I relaxed. I started enjoying food again and was able to gain weight. The session taught me to be fully in the present. I’m optimistic. Mentally and physically, just better.

Kristof Kossut, speaking a year later about the positive changes in his life which resulted from a single dose of synthesized psilocybin.

  1. Stanislv Grof
    For those interested Stanislav Grof has been researching the amazing effects of LSD for 50+ years, his books are educational and very enlightening.
    Once again main-line science has ignored and failed to pursue the truly new science that one would think is it’s main purpose

  2. meditating monkeys
    i thought they git them meditating in the wild, that would be interesting. but under lab conditions they are just mimicking an action for food without caring about the meaning of the action they are performing. if anyone every sees monkeys outside a Buddhist temple actually meditating then it will be news!!!

  3. Either But Never Or
    Re: If intelligent extraterrestrials exist, what about God?

    That we even draw a line of distinction between God (any god) and ET, seems unnecessary. Using the Christian creation epic as an example, we know that God existed prior to the Earth and so therefore, also, mankind who followed along the line of production. This by definition makes God extraterrestrial.

    We could once note how believing that an omnipotent spirit-being created the universe and all that is in it in six days, was seen as quite sane and relevant. But if you then accepted the possibility that UFOs were beings from elsewhere in that same universe, you were certifiable fruitcake ingredients.

    Today, the reverse is becoming the norm. You can openly buy and display the concept of ET but must next reject the possibility of god to avoid ridicule.

    1. Yahweh’s Angels
      I admit that I’m still heavily influenced by the arguments proposed by Spanish Ufologist J.J. Benítez in his books ‘Yahweh’s Astronauts’.

      He starts from the assumption that if (some of) these entities are more advanced than us technologically, they might also be further ahead of us in terms of spiritual development. So, a more spiritually evolved being would want to help and willingly submit to the will of the Creator, thus serving as an instrument to His plans.

      It was Benítez and his books what helped me start questioning the bases of my Catholic faith. The rest is Grailer history 😉

      I admit it’s a rather naive and simplistic interpretation, but so is Salvador Freixedo’s fears that these entities want only to deceive us for their personal gain 😉

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