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News Briefs 20-09-2011

In a multiverse not far away, Peter Gabriel’s duet partner on “Don’t Give Up” wasn’t Kate Bush – it was Dolly Parton. Not sure even I believe in multiverse theory now…

Quote of the Day:

My goal is to try to get people into a state of generalized agnosticism, not agnosticism about God alone, but agnosticism about everything. If one can only see things according to one’s own belief system, one is destined to become virtually deaf, dumb, and blind. It’s only possible to see people when one is able to see the world as others see it. That’s what guerrilla ontology is — breaking down this one-model view and giving people a multi-model perspective.

Robert Anton Wilson

  1. History Channels ancient
    History Channels ancient aliens is a great show. Do I believe ancient aliens were responsible for any or all of the achievements shown – not really. But what is great about it is that it brings all these diverse ancient sites and stories to us for our viewing pleasure. Where else on television can we be exposed to such a diverse cross section of the world’s ancient history in short entertaining 1 hour episodes.

    And the reality is traditional archological explanations for many of these accomplishments is woefully lacking and seemingly close minded to new ideas and interpretations. The fact is there is much yet unexplained and though I am doubtful of an ancient alien explanation it can’t be rejected completely out of hand. Equally likely is the existence of prior high civilizations that have been lost to history similar to the Atlantis story. Ultimately these are entertaining shows with great exposure to the world’s ancient sites, ancient religiions, ancient civilizations – all of which I and most viewers would never be exposed to otherwise. Good stuff.

  2. Someone call the Mishepishu……….Pikachu…
    I do believe that all humans have the capacity to harness these “electrical” powers or are able to focus their energies in such an extreme way as to interfere with the electromagnetic current within the aura of individuals. I would like this to be taken seriously in Western medicine, however I fear these people would be exploited for their powers by some governments. This doctors is taking a risk showing his face. It is a frightening yet amazing ability which gave me X-men flashbacks, but at least he uses it to heal.

    Also, I want some of those cryptid coins 😀

  3. Encounters at Indian Head . . .
    I’m four chapters in and can attest this is fascinating and thought-provoking reading. I picked it up as a 50th anniversary tribute to the Hills.

    I was still very, very young when I read John G. Fuller’s book on the Hills, “The Interrupted Journey”, (still a kid, really). I was absolutely convinced at the time it was all the Gospel truth.

    Over the years I lost faith, so to speak, and came around to the theory that given the reported psychological and emotional impacts post-event, the Hills did experience something highly traumatic, but what that event was we will likely never be able to know for certain. So far what I’ve read supports that theory, at least in my mind. That could change by the end of the book.

    If you haven’t read “Encounters . . ” and have any interest in the Hills, you should read it. it might lead you to think about the event in new and different ways; maybe draw new conclusions or solidify those you already have. It might even convince you that my theory is stone, cold wrong.

    1. Captured
      This year I read ‘Captured!’ bu Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden. I guess ‘Encounters…’ should be next on my list 🙂

      Regardless of the actual abduction experience from which the Hills became world-famous, most skeptics of the case fail to remember the fact that Betty & Barney had a conscious recollection of a close encounter with an unconventional craft, which was observed by Barney through binoculars. It was with these binoculars that he also managed to see (again, in conscious recollection) the strange humanoid entities that reminded him of Nazis due to their military-style movements and black uniforms.

  4. Impossible Futures and Predictable Skeptic Outrage
    It might be impossible to predict the future with our current methodologies, but it’s so annoying the predictability of the Boing Boing skeptoids, that turn into bulls when someone mentions to them words like ‘remote viewing’ as if they were waving red capes.

  5. from the Outgrown-Inpression-Dept.
    If ET has visited here, you bet one of us has already tried to:

    o have sex with it

    o eat it

    o live with it

    o hunt it

    o sell it

    We are a polymorphously perverse species :3

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