“Not only is the Universe stranger than we think… it is stranger than we can think.”
- A world orbiting two suns. Fade in: Tatooine. Skywalker gazes at a binary sunset…
- Creating planets with tidal downsizing?
- The Atlantis UFOs that NASA can’t explain.
- And what about these orbs in Brazil?
- Was the Milky Way shaped by collision?
- Armstrong was first man on the moon– but was something else there first?
- The oceans of Pluto.
- NASA’s new retro rocket.
- Overfishing leads to jellyfish overpopulation.
- Supermassive black holes found in small galaxies.
- Is Higgs a no-show?
- The aftermath of the ‘Belgian UFO’ hoax claim.
- The complete history of time paradoxes. But it can’t be the ‘complete history’ unless…
- Dinosaur feathers, found.
- Alpha Centauri, as seen from Saturn.
- Kung-fu mantis thumb-wrestling. SSIA
- A screaming comes across the sky– NASA expects de-orbiting satellite on Sep. 24.
- Arctic ice hits new low.
- The origin of diamonds.
- A glimpse into the United States’spy satellites.
- Watching tape.
- Holographic games coming to a living room near you.
- Asteroid Vesta offers clues to the universe.
- Roswell and Monroe?
- This week’s evidence of the looming ‘bot revolution… Scientists start monitoring A.I. capabiities. Why? Because bots are already competing in triathlons.
Danke Schöen to GT and the Anomalist!
Quote of the Day:
“Every word or concept, clear as it may seem to be, has only a limited range of applicability. ”
W. Heisenberg