“The end of science is not to prove a theory, but to improve mankind.”
- Physics after Einstein.
- The elixir of life? One pill makes you younger…
- Quasar ULAS… The brightest object in the universe — and most distant.
- Into aphelion.
- Computers without electronics.
- Plastic found in 9% of Northern Pacific fish.
- Edgar Mitchell sued over Apollo 14 camera.
- Red rover, red rover, send ’Curiosity’ right over.
- How is skin better than glass?
- Cold fusion and cats.
- Khufu’s solar boat to afterlife, unveiled.
- Viking funeral, unearthed.
- Mysterious Hawaiian halo, debunked.
- Life on Enceladus?
- 5 cinematic fan theories you’ll wish were true.
- Eyesight restored, fifty-five years later.
- Are hole-punch clouds increasing snowfall?
- A diagram of solar storms.
- Behold the solar sand printer.
- I’ll believe that the day I see an inflatable shark. Wait– never mind.
- Independence Day myths you might still believe.
- Evolution via comics and bugs.
- Your three month-old is listening.
- This week’s proof of the coming robot revolution… Computer chip shows signs of life.
Danke to RPJ & GT!
Quote of the Day:
“The great materialistic progress which we have venerated for so long is on the verge of bankruptcy. We can no longer believe that we are born into this world to accumulate wealth and abandon ourselves to mortal pleasures. We were told the twentieth century was the most progressive that the world has ever known, but unfortunately the progression was in the direction of self-destruction.”
M. P. Hall