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Poltergeist Primer

It’s heee-eere! If you like your spirits angry, then make sure you check out a new primer from Public Parapsychology devoted to the poltergeist phenomenon, which they’ve made available as a free-to-download PDF file. Created by Bryan Williams and Annalisa Ventola, the 30-page primer reviews the current state of parapsychological research and perspectives relating to the phenomenon, and examines “case characteristics, experimental approaches, theoretical aspects, and the similarities and differences between poltergeist and haunt cases”.

Poltergeist cases are characterized by a series of apparently anomalous physical phenomena such as the sudden movement of objects without any apparent force acting upon them, and rapping or knocking sounds that do not seem to have any clear source. Like cases of ghosts and apparitions, these occurrences have a long tradition steeped in myth, folklore, and superstition.

…Poltergeists can be confused with haunt phenomena due to their overt similarity in characteristics and the implied suggestion of spirits. However, parapsychologists have found that there are subtle differences between haunt and poltergeist cases that allow distinctions to be made between them. Moreover, field studies of poltergeist cases by parapsychologists have discovered that poltergeist phenomena may have much more of a human, rather than a spirit, element to them. To avoid confusion and aid in the proper interpretation of findings obtained during field investigations, it is important to recognize the distinction between poltergeists and haunts, and to be aware of what has been learned so far about poltergeists through the research efforts of parapsychologists…

We hope that this primer will help clarify any misconceptions about what may be fact and what may be fiction when it comes to such phenomena, and assist paranormal enthusiasts in their approach to any poltergeist cases that they may come across and investigate.

Remember you can also still download the three previous Public Parapsychology primers from the website:

Read through all those and then head out and buy yourself a proton pack – I’ll meet you at the Sedgewick Hotel.

  1. A lot of these sorts of
    A lot of these sorts of analyses fail to consider the idea that the EMF anomalies are providing a dimensional/vibrational shift such that access to the planes of these entities is granted. The assumption is often that the stray or unusual EMF’s are causing “hallucinations.” They do sometimes cause hallucinations, but that is not always a coherent explanation for the poltergeist activity especially when objects are PK moved in sight of multiple witnesses.
    The spirit that haunted my father’s ranch house preferred to hang out around and inside a limestone chimney. Limestone is often cited as an adjunct to spirit activity. Limestone in close proximity to strong EMF’s is also another common and frequent association with such activity. It appears that spirits prefer certain material matrices, and that they get comfortable with certain material configurations which is why they get so pissed off when the furniture is moved around. They prefer that the material world stay in one place long enough for them to figure out how to use a given configuration to help them manifest and to help them communicate with us. They can drain batteries to give them enough energy to manifest and they seem to know how modern electronics work such that they can activate televison remotes for instance. It appears that “on the other side” one becomes a connoisseur of the material world and its underpinnings. Perhaps we should spend more time querying the spirits about quantum reality.

    1. to EML
      EM do you have any knowledge as to why there is an affinity between spirits and limestone? Are they partial to any other type of geological substance? This sounds an interesting subject – I hope you can explain further.

      Regards, Kathrinn

      1. I remember reading somewhere
        I remember reading somewhere an explanation about limestone in particular, but I can’t find it now. Ghost busters over the years have compared notes about this and seen the pattern. Houses located over limestone geology can also be subject to the effect.

        I have worked for years with stone and crystal energies, and my feeling is that many, many minerals can be transdimensional portals or facilitators. Anything that alters our native frequency will bring us to experience other realities. It may just be the case that because limestone is a favored building stone because of its workability and tendency to sheer in nice neat planes that the odds are high that any home or chimney will be built using it, so it is just a commonly used building stone. It is likely that any stone used massively in a home will more emphatically affect frequency and also be a lodging place for spirit.

        1. Thanks, EM
          I was just wondering, as this area where I live has so many and frequent time/place disruptions and distortions, and we are on the coast near a massive limestone structure (The Great Barrier Reefs) that I wondered if limestone caused frequency changes within a certain distance from it. There are also many magnetic anomalies around here – could there be any connection? What about infrasound? Would limestone be a good medium for that to travel through, perhaps be amplified by? Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

          Regards, Kathrinn

          1. Any giant structure such as a
            Any giant structure such as a reef is going to have its own “pull” of sorts. It is the novelty of one structure as it is newly encountered that tends to give the unique experiences which then might settle down as you become accustomed to the new vibrational regime, but there are vibrational nodes that seem to always be novel and active and always moving. If there are any big radar installations on the coast of the Greeat Barrier Reef then that might be an area teeming with anomalies all the time when the radar is actually running. Then there are areas permanently impressed with events of big emotional energy, but then there are places where time slips seem to happen more often. There is a story I remember from the book “Stars Upstream” by Len Hall who frequently floated the Current River in the Missouri Ozarks back in the 50’s and 60’s. There are limestone caves all through that country, and the gravel beaches on thr river are almost pure limestone and dolomite. One morning Hall awakened and peered out of his tent flap at a scene from centuries before – fur traders and explorers breaking morning camp on their gravel bar.It was so vivid that Hall had no reservations about calling it a time slip. It lasted only a minute or so and then faded away.

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