It’s heee-eere! If you like your spirits angry, then make sure you check out a new primer from Public Parapsychology devoted to the poltergeist phenomenon, which they’ve made available as a free-to-download PDF file. Created by Bryan Williams and Annalisa Ventola, the 30-page primer reviews the current state of parapsychological research and perspectives relating to the phenomenon, and examines “case characteristics, experimental approaches, theoretical aspects, and the similarities and differences between poltergeist and haunt cases”.
Poltergeist cases are characterized by a series of apparently anomalous physical phenomena such as the sudden movement of objects without any apparent force acting upon them, and rapping or knocking sounds that do not seem to have any clear source. Like cases of ghosts and apparitions, these occurrences have a long tradition steeped in myth, folklore, and superstition.
…Poltergeists can be confused with haunt phenomena due to their overt similarity in characteristics and the implied suggestion of spirits. However, parapsychologists have found that there are subtle differences between haunt and poltergeist cases that allow distinctions to be made between them. Moreover, field studies of poltergeist cases by parapsychologists have discovered that poltergeist phenomena may have much more of a human, rather than a spirit, element to them. To avoid confusion and aid in the proper interpretation of findings obtained during field investigations, it is important to recognize the distinction between poltergeists and haunts, and to be aware of what has been learned so far about poltergeists through the research efforts of parapsychologists…
We hope that this primer will help clarify any misconceptions about what may be fact and what may be fiction when it comes to such phenomena, and assist paranormal enthusiasts in their approach to any poltergeist cases that they may come across and investigate.
Remember you can also still download the three previous Public Parapsychology primers from the website:
Read through all those and then head out and buy yourself a proton pack – I’ll meet you at the Sedgewick Hotel.