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News Briefs 20-05-2011

“It is only in the world of objects that we have time and space and selves.”

Thanks to RPJ!

Quote of the Day:

“The bad poet is usually unconscious where he ought to be conscious, and conscious where he ought to be unconscious.”

T.S. Eliot

  1. Regarding Hawking…….
    For the past 3 years, at least, I have been convinced that Hawking doesn’t even know what day it is. let alone what’s going on in the world or the next. I am firmly convinced that he is being used by those around him to say whatever they WANT him to say, to further their own agendas, and to get whatever mileage they can out of his reputation before he passes away.

    That’s being charitable. I could say more, but I won’t.

    Other’s mileage may vary, but that’s how i see things.


      1. from the Twits-for-Evah-Dept.
        Ah yes, I’d so love to see all of my family and friends again :3

        And we’d all be able to experience it in more-or-less real time. Just imagine the twitters from the Raptured and the rest of us:

        “@heavensent: Saw JHVH. A bit of a prat. Nice shoes.”

        @Enjyhell: Satan cheats at snooker and brimstone is Ben & Jerry ice cream.

  2. Ball of confusion… and anger
    In re: Roswell

    I think that Roswell has given birth to an entirely unique, dedicated means of disinformation.

    Whatever truth there is to the story of 1947, is buried so deeply in all the added garbage that it is nearly impossible to dig through and sift the slightest element of it with any assurance. Adding to this is the regular additions to this wasteland.

    Whether generated by the government, by believers, by skeptics or by well-meaning authors, the result is the same; there will always and forever be no genuine understanding of what really happened.

    The ‘Roswell Treatment’ is akin to being in an otherwise dark room and trying to focus on a single bit of candle light while at the same time, a hundred flashlights are purposely aimed at your eyes.

    In re: Herald Camping and the Retro Rapture

    I personally believe that Mr. Camping is a true believer in what he preaches. Further, I feel no anger towards this man nor do I feel inclined to make fun of those who have followed his lead on the 21 May ‘end of the world’ thing.

    This event was, and is, an excellent example of how you and I have the right to be wrong.

    What is far, far more troubling than his missed predictions are those who are now calling for laws to regulate what religious persons and organizations can release publicly and/or on the web.

    If we surrender the rights of the imperfect to be imperfect in the public spaces, we automatically give away our own rights as well.

    This is just but a small foretaste of what’s to come in December of 2012; the aftermath of which may be more terrible than the prophesies.

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