If I was to name any one TV show as being of most importance to me a child, it would be Dr Who (along with perhaps The Goodies). So I had all sorts of flashbacks and nostalgic moments in viewing this excellent fan-created collage of snippets from every episode of the show from 1963 to 2010 (though some of the accompanying music could have been better chosen):
I watched pretty much all of the Baker/Davison years as they were released in Australia (along with the Pertwee episodes which were also shown during this time), and viewing this collection I’d have to say that seasons 11 to 14 really constitute the golden period of Who for me. For me, Tom Baker simply *is* the Doctor, and always will be. And as for that theme song…it connects on a primal level, it’s like a warning siren that strangeness is afoot.
So many favourite stories, though if forced I’d probably choose The Pyramids of Mars, The Masque of Mandragora and Terror of the Zygons (but man, so many other great ones). Which tends to suggest that either (a) Dr Who had a formative influence on my later topics of interest, or (b) my interests were built-in at birth.
What’s your favourite Who storyline? Which, in your opinion, is/was the best ‘monster’ or adversary?