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News Briefs 15-02-2011

Easy come, easy gonorrhea.

Quote of the Day:

The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.


  1. Weather Modification
    This article perfectly exemplifies the surreality of the multi- trillion dollar chemtrail project worldwide. Valnetine’s Day yesterday happened to be a spectacular chemtrail extravaganza over most cities in the USA. My little town was one of those gettng “whited out” by endlessly looping spray planes. A phone call to a friend in Ohio and a friend in Denver, CO revealed the same thing going on in those places – the artificial creation of huge banks of “clouds” made of ultrafine powders of barium, aluminum and strontium. That people can still write magazine articles purporting to be about “what ifs” regarding weather modification and not mention the terribly, terribly obvious going on over our heads as we speak epitomizes the “Age of the Big Lie” in which we find ourselves.
    The whispered rumor about chemtrails is that they are cloud seeding operations which is handily refuted by simple observation – the trails are not laid strategically to induce precipitation. The other whispered rumor is that they are a massive operation to combat golbal warming by increasing cloud reflectivity over the earth. That sounds more plausible but ridiculous – as in the cost/benefits analysis is absurd. Money would be much better spent reducing green house gas emissions rather than spend trillions of dollars yearly keeping all that hardware aloft every day year after year.
    Whatever this giant project really is it is time we brought this thing out in the open in public forum. It is after all our money that is being spent on this boondoggle probably being hidden within the unaccountable black parts of the military budget.

  2. Placebo Effect
    It is called “the power of positive thinking.” This is really a very old idea. It is kind of amusing to watch this being recast in modern jargon as if it is some new discovery. The statistical work is certainly a good verification, but I can’t believe the average family practice doctor is baffled and non plussed by these trials. Hypochondrism and its solution via psychological coaching is an ancient medical nostrum.

  3. The New Gold Rush
    My father and grandfather prospected the Mojave Desert for years, and they always kept special pans handy for teasing bits of gold out of stream bed gravel.
    As a four-year-old, I did it myself.
    Californians have been quietly mining gold for a century and a half, far below the radar of Officialdom.
    I’d like to address Uncle Sam here,with a quote from Dougie MacLean:”You cannot own the land/The land owns you.”

    rehteahliag (gail heather)

  4. Here we go…

    Largest planet in the solar system could be about to be discovered and it’s up to four times the size of Jupiter.

    Long predicted to exist by both astronomer and paranormalite.

    Will the Earth’s wandering magnetic poles cause deadly superstorms?

    The Zeta Talkers are already stocked up on duct tape and plastic wrap… and from the above press releases, Nibiru and the shift have official sponsors.


    Dammit to hell, we are all doomed one way or the other now..

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