Best wishes to all Grail readers facing Cyclone Yasi tonight.
- Zahi Hawass named Antiquities Minister by “President” Mubarak.
- Vultures hover over looting of ancient Egyptian treasures.
- Egypt’s youth proudly guard the Library of Alexandria.
- Egyptian army boosts security at museums & archaeological sites.
- Confirmation looting of Cairo Museum was an inside job.
- Bronze Age petroglyphs found beneath burial mounds in Norway.
- The universe is much bigger than it looks, say cosmologists.
- Quantum water discovered in nanotubes.
- Is there life out there? Lee Billings blogs for Boingboing, terrific reading.
- Paper planes dropped from space.
- There’s so much space junk, it’s a miracle UFOs get through.
- Video of a UFO over Jerusalem, & another version. Returning the Ark of the Covenant, or is amateur CGI getting better?
- Review of Leslie Kean’s UFOs in the Journal of Scientific Exploration (Amazon US & UK).
- Stanton Friedman discusses his gig with Jacques Vallee in Saudi Arabia.
- 10 greatest starships of all time. No love for Serenity or We Built This City?
- After the Star Wars prequels, George Lucas was frozen in carbonite.
- Baywatch star to search for Noah’s Ark. Hollywood’s Ark will save pairs of breast implants.
- Micah Hanks looks at vampires & plants that bite.
- The evolution of Alice In Wonderland book covers.
- Julian Assange disguised himself as a woman to escape detection.
- Wikileaks: FBI hunting for 9/11 gang that got away.
- Vedanta still plans to destroy Indian tribe’s sacred mountain god.
Thanks to Greg, Kat, & The Red Pill Junkie.
Quote of the Day:
Older people are perceived as cynics and misanthropes — but no, they are simply people who have at last heard the still, sad music of humanity played by an inferior rock band howling for fame.
Paul Theroux, Ghost Train To The Eastern Star (Amazon)