We mentioned this in the news briefs the other day, but wanted to pull it out and give it a bit more notice: Jacques Vallee was interviewed in Salon about his new book, co-written with Chris Aubeck, titled Wonders in the Sky (Amazon US & UK), and there’s some nice back and forth about the topic of UFOs and their place in modern society:
Salon: That speaks directly to a key conclusion you make in the book, that all people interpret these phenomena in their own terms. Often, in the past, those terms were religious. Is there a typical interpretation for these encounters in modern times?
JV: Well, if you go to your local library, you will probably find UFO books — sometimes including my own books — in science, or New Age, or occult, or in religion, next to books about apparitions of angels or apparitions of the devil and so on. The libraries and bookstores don’t quite know what to do with this subject. It will be interesting to see what they’ll do with this book.
Make sure you also check out the feature article here on TDG, “Vallee: Author of the Impossible“. And remember also that you can pick up Jacques’ seminal book Messengers of Deception from Amazon US and Amazon UK.