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News Briefs 14-12-2010

Reality becomes even more of a mess now Hawking gets involved.

  • Is Hawking right to claim that reality is dependent on the model used to describe it?
  • The case against peer review.
  • Why haven’t we found aliens yet?
  • What exactly is life?
  • Oliver Sacks on prosopagnosia and other conditions.
  • Why we might fight.
  • Woodhenge: Is this one of the greatest discoveries of archaeology or a simple farmer’s fence?
  • Stem cell technology has produced male and female mice from two fathers.
  • Electro-hypercannon could bring back the dreadnought era.
  • Boffins crack walnut-shaped Iapetus moon mystery. Or try this explanation.
  • Violent solar eruptions shake entire star.
  • Biracial and passing as black.
  • Lost civilisation beneath the Persian Gulf?
  • Voyager 1 nearing edge of solar system.
  • Historians discover tiny numbers and letters in the eyes of the Mona Lisa.
  • Black winds.

Quote of the Day:

Reality is what you can get away with.


  1. Biracial…….
    There is only one race: Human. Everything else is an artificial construct designed to divide humans into “victim groups” so that self-appointed elites can exercise power over them and control society.

    I fight back by always checking the box which says “African-American”. Scientists claim that we are all descended from a single female from Africa. Therefore, by the logic of the racists who perpetuate “Races” we in America must all be African-Americans by definition.

    Other times I have checked the box marked “other” and written “Euro-American”.

    But on the whole, saying that a person is anything other than “Human” is just plain wrong, when defining their “race”.

    YMMV, of course, but that’s how I see it.

    1. Ask me no questions…
      Race? Not as much as I used to…
      Age? Unfortunately, at a rate of 1-year for every 365 days.
      Sex? Yes, please. (My cell number is printed on the back)

      Do you smoke? Only when I drink.
      Do you drink? Only when I smoke.

      Have you ever been convicted of a felony? No, I got married and joined the army instead.

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