Hey little boy, what you got there?
- Jacques Vallee talks to Alan Boyle about his new book Wonders in the Sky (Amazon US and UK).
- Jimmy Carter’s weird science. Sounds like a great pitch for a Discovery Channel show…
- Do ghosts really exist? No need for debate, just ask Richard Wiseman – he seems to know everything.
- Researcher plans to electronically record dreams. No word if a rating system will apply.
- Is NASA hiding life on Mars?
- Perhaps NASA are hiding the super-intelligent chimps: Russia tests monkeys for Mars trip.
- Humans vs asteroids. Let’s get ready to ruuuuummmmble!
- The telescope that ate astronomy.
- People of Denver, Colorado to vote on creation of Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission. Another fine job by Jeff Peckman in making the UFO topic a fringe discussion.
- New evidence supports ‘Snowball Earth‘ as the trigger for early animal evolution.
- Aubrey de Grey on a cure for aging.
- Russian bears treat graveyards as ‘giant refrigerators‘. Mmmm, corpsulicious.
- Fart collecting and testicle smashing: the grossest jobs in science.
- James Camerons returns to space with two Avatar sequels.
- Throwing tiny pies at bees to help sell phones.
- Boba Fett’s invoice to Jabba the Hutt.
- Myths Retold: Worship Bacchus OR ELSE (NSFW language).
- William Gibson in 3D, no retinal implants required. Even better, his eyes follow you around the room…
Thanks RPJ.
Quote of the Day:
Steampunk is nothing more than what happens when Goths discover brown.
Charlie Stross