Calling all Alchemists… You’re needed as guinea pigs in the clinical trials of a newly-discovered Elixir of Life.
- Indiana Jones and the Sasquatch of Doom: Henry Gee, a senior editor of Nature, urges us to keep an open mind — especially about the possible existence of creatures like Sasquatch.
- Update: New cat-sized mongoose-like carnivore discovered in Madagascar. It’s the first new species of carnivorous mammal to be discovered in 24 years. And it doesn’t look happy about being found.
- Previously unknown Michelangelo painting worth $300 million found behind a Brooklyn family’s sofa.
- Scientists argue that animals are capable of having spiritual experiences.
- Did dogs teach us to love?
- Mysterious tattoos on 1000-year-old Peruvian mummy’s neck correspond to modern-day acupuncture points.
- ‘Elixer of Life’ extends lifespan by 12 percent. More.
- No more debate: Black Death’s daddy was bubonic plague.
- Whooping cough in California: Deaths caused by the anti-vaccination movement.
- Children’s computer and television time linked to psychological problems. Chicken or egg?
- Titan’s thick atmosphere could hold recipe for life, no water needed.
- Solar system’s deepest canyon sinks miles into Mars.
- Despite the media hype, the chances of finding life on Gliese 581G are vanishingly slim.
- Greatest Holes On Earth: Researchers probe Earth’s giant collapse structures.
- Google unveils the car that can drive itself.
- More than 100 cold-war era research reactors run on uranium pure enough to be used in a nuclear weapon. But switching to safer fuel isn’t easy.
- Magnify this! Brilliant electron microscope images of creatures and everyday items. Can anyone here explain why the ant is carrying a microchip?
- Genome-building from the bottom up: A simplified recipe for synthesizing genes aids synthetic biology.
- Desert night lizards invest time and energy in their young, and live in families — a strategy once thought exclusive to mammals and birds.
- Turtle rescue plan succeeds: Almost 15,000 hatchlings – mostly loggerheads – have made their way into the Atlantic.
- Scientists to resume search for Bigfoot-like ape man in central China.
- Kanzi, the amazing ape who can ‘speak’ with humans and understands 450 words, makes an appearance on Oprah.
- In the next few years, changes in the way the Web works could reveal many more details about computer users’ online activities.
- Atheists clash over how aggressively to challenge the devout.
Thanks Greg and RPJ.
Quote of the Day:
Whenever we start talking about ‘spirituality’, I just want to puke.
PZ Myers to Chris Mooney, at the Council for Secular Humanism Conference in Los Angeles this weekend.