“Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one else has thought.”
- The end of time, in our time?
- A crack in the heliosphere.
- When solar wind and magnetic fields collide.
- The threat to 80% of the world’s water supplies.
- Thank heavens for cosmic accidents.
- Decline in pollination directly linked to decline in food supplies.
- Moving objects with light.
- Will a Brazilian aboriginal skull rewrite history? More here.
- Dreaming into the fifth dimension.
- An artificial glimpse of Hawking radiation.
- 50,000 year-old evidence of humans unearthed in Papa new Guinea.
- Mars’ methane mystery.
- We will not got to the Moon.
- The newly found ‘lost’ letters of DNA forefather, Francis Crick.
- The common language of dolphins.
- Dinosaurs get a lift.
- Whale shark population takes hit from Gulf oil spill.
- Ancient, five-foot red penguins, unveiled.
- New footage of Apollo landing to screen privately in Sydney.
- An asteroid to keep an eye on.
- Another year, another round of Ignobel awards.
- See Stonehenge via Google’s Ancient Streetview.
- Lucas announces 3-D Star Wars to prove he’s still out of good ideas.
Thanks to RPJ!
Quote of the Day:
“The real scientist is ready to bear privation and if need be, starvation rather than let anyone dictate to him which direction his work must take.”
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi