”What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning”.
- The Sun’s climate.
- The Earth’s pulse.
- Mars’ enigmatic formations.
- Venus’ vortex.
- Glitch refuses to release ISS astronauts. HAL 9000 unit is being swapped.
- Table-top time-warp experiments and stepladders to Einstein
- Can reverse combustion turn CO2 into fuel?
- Groundwater is disappearing across the globe. Except in Canada.
- Human and tools: Who made who?
- Was the ’Flatwoods Monster’ of 1952 really just a military psy-op?
- Vanishing quantum dimensions.
- Vanished or just swallowed by a giant sand wall?
- The most accurate sci-fi, according to six scientists.
- Was everything hard in the Stone Age?
- Faking life since 1000 BC.
- Saturnian quadruple aurora, all the way. So intense…
- The more accurate the measurement, the more oil you find.
- Hacking the brain, with art.
- Recharging your battery in milliseconds.
- The alien POV of our solar system.
- My god, it’s full of… rays.
- In pain? Touch it away.
- Who needs robots– we’ve got lab-grown artificial brains!
- Malaria, by way of monkey?
- Wanna be Wolverine for Halloween – just get titanium foam.
Many thanks to Greg (for every week) and to Perceval (for last week)!
Quote of the Day:
“There are things that are so serious, you can only joke about them.”
W. Heisenberg.