More cure for the crazies…
- China has become fertile ground for UFO conspiracy theories.
- Growing number of prosecutions for videotaping the police.
- BP told to report on detected seep and anomalies near Gulf of Mexico oil well.
- Black parents white baby.
- Dogs predict epileptic seizures and warn owners.
- Alternative medicine or witchcraft?
- Beware those black swans.
- The art of slow reading.
- Dream-logic, the internet and artificial thought.
- Should we clone neanderthals?
- Vaccine patch may replace needles.
- Wither climate change?
- NASA Messenger discovers anomalies on Mercury.
- How long can the Higgs boson keep hiding?
- Earth’s shrinking atmosphere baffles scientists.
- Another donut on a stick.
Quote of the Day:
The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.
B.F. Skinner