The latest absurdities for you…
- Ideas having sex.
- How facts backfire.
- Life on Earth gets wiped out every 27 million years.
- King Tut’s DNA is western european.
- Until cryonics do us part.
- A scientist takes on gravity.
- Revised theory of gravity does not predict a big bang.
- Historians claim to have finally located the site of King Arthur’s Round Table.
- Dark matter may be building up inside the sun.
- Scientists create army of tumor-fighting immune cells.
- Red hot chillies arrive at Doomsday seed vault.
- Scientists admit chemtrails are creating artificial clouds.
- According to cosmologists, the Universe is made mostly of dark matter and dark energy, but they do not know what either is.
- Homeopathy and Dr James Le Fanu.
- Computer automatically deciphers ancient language.
- The language of brainwaves.
Quote of the Day:
The ability to delude yourself may be an important survival tool.
Jane Wagner