Spectacular photos today! The total eclipse just began. (It may still be Sunday for most of us, but it’s already Monday in Oz.)
- Easter Island is ready for today’s total eclipse, which will begin at 2:15 PM ET in North of New Zealand near the Cook Islands, continues past Easter Island, and ends in Chile at the southernmost tip of South America at 4:52 p.m. ET.
- Chase today’s total eclipse on the web.
- Rosetta’s closest asteroid flyby photos.
- Dark matter may be building up inside the Sun.
- Sun’s dust ring could help find exo-planets.
- Cascade of star formation captured in Omega Nebula.
- Archaeologists unearth 4,300-year-old Ancient Egyptian tombs of father and son.
- Hoard of 52,000 Roman coins found by UK metal-detector enthusiast. Roman coins of Britain.
- Everything you never knew you wanted to know about Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus Carausius, without whose rebel empire in Britain, Constantine the Great might never have come to power.
- From museum basement, a ‘new’ dinosaur. Untold numbers of fossils on display in museums may be incorrectly classified.
- Greenland glacier shrinks overnight.
- Geneticists say recent study on genetics of old age has obvious weaknesses, is probably incorrect, and should not have been published in a premier journal.
- A study that supports the controversial link between chronic fatigue syndrome and a new type of virus has been blocked from being published in a leading scientific journal even though it had been accepted for publication by its editors.
- BPA is killing more than your erection: 5708 international studies link bisphenol-A (BPA) to sexual dysfunction, cancers, compromised immune systems, diabetes, heart disease, epigenetic health concerns, neurological disruption, obesity and much more.
- 64 tonnes of Chinese milk powder seized due to contamination with melamine.
- Shrimp becoming hooked on Prozac that is flushed into the sea.
- Revealed: The bizarre new creatures discovered at the bottom of Atlantic Ocean.
- Saving nature’s unborn from Gulf oil disaster.
- Why I’m certain Dr David Kelly was murdered.
- The six-month anniversary of the Haiti quake is Monday, but Haitians are still waiting in tents for a recovery that has barely begun. And Haiti’s orphans are falling through the aid net.
- Secret Bhopal waste dump ‘wrong’.
- Biologists in Canada are scrambling to contain an invasive weed that can cause blindness and severe burns.
- Star Wars — The People vs George Lucas: New documentary takes the film-maker to task for crimes against humanity – or, at least, against the universe he created.
- The secret code in the logo of the U.S. Cyber Command.
- Paul the psychic Octopus is not the first creature to be credited with supernatural abilities.
- Trousers down: Californians participate in mass rail mooning.
- Where would space aliens come from?
- Until cryonics do us part.
Thanks, Greg.
Quote of the Day:
Redeunt Saturnia Regna, Iam Nova Progenies Caelo Demittitur Alto
Frequently abreviated RSR on coins and elsewhere during the time of the Roman empire, its english translation is:
The Golden Ages are back, now a new generation is let down from Heaven above.
The Fourth Eclogue of Virgil.