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News Briefs 09-07-2010

Rest in Greenpeace

Quote of the Day:

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, relearn.


  1. thrills and spills
    yes, there’s nothing like dead birds, slick on marsh lands and loosing you livelihood that says “fun for the whole family”

    they should make an oil spill based “Game of Life” or maybe Monopoly sine that would make more sense. “Go directly to hell, do not pass go do not collect £1.9billion”

  2. Re: Do prejudiced people reject science?
    I think there is another question here that needs asking, as in: Do prejudiced people use (or abuse?) science to support their own views?

    There are those who act as if science is entirely on their side when espousing a position. Recently, this has been the case with the subject of global warming. Those who support the theory apply science as both blunt weapon and armored protector, regardless of whether or not their claim is factual.

    The current theory of evolution is another. I recently attempted to discuss this topic with an author at the NY Times, but to no good end. He simply riveted himself to evolution being scientific fact and then smugly refused to even entertain another point of view.

    So, is evolution a piece of indisputable firmament of scientific truth, or simply an incomplete record that is still a work in progress?

    Is global warming the product of man or natural processes… or maybe even both or neither?

    Claiming something to be scientific fact does not make it so.

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