Homeopathy is taking a bashing. Anyone remember Benveniste?
- Global warming science implodes overseas: American media silent.
- Mythical temple found in Peru.
- Smart Dust? Not quite, but we’re getting there.
- How Paulson’s people colluded with Goldman to destroy AIG and get a backdoor bailout.
- Obama cancels moon project.
- Twins’ different DNA sparks parents’ divorce.
- Sceptics stage homeopathy overdose. More here.
- Bloom and bust: how volcanoes suffocated ocean life.
- The Grasping Hand: The modern democratic state pillages its productive citizens.
- A skeptic’s skeptic.
- What to get the man who has everything? An underwater plane of course.
- Paying zero for public services.
- Laser fusion test results raise energy hopes.
- DNA testing on 2000 year-old bones in Italy reveal East Asian ancestry.
- Fetid fish revise understanding of fossil formation.
Quote of the Day:
I have learned to use the word ‘impossible’ with the greatest caution.
Wernher von Braun