Well, it’s Monday …again… and that must mean we’re all here at The Daily Grail, waiting for the latest news to be posted…
- U-turn for CRU, which has agreed to publish its raw data.
- CRU admits it discarded some raw data in the 1980s. Much ado about nothing?
- The great climate change science scandal.
- Nick Griffin to represent EU at Copenhagen.
- NASA’s James Hansen argues leaders at Copenhagen must be shaken out of their complacency.
- Intrigue and plot twists in global climate talks.
- Gulf stream collapse would be like a Hollywood disaster movie.
- Researcher proves satellite data about Arctic ice is wrong.
- Oz scientists upset by report on oceans.
- The Venus Syndrome.
- 350 years of the Royal Society.
- Founding Fathers’ papers go online.
- Archaeologist Kathryn Bard’s amazing Egyptian digs.
- Huge ice age river carved the English Channel.
- Will future spaceships be powered by black holes and dark matter?
- Volunteers wanted for simulated 520-day Mars mission.
- Astrophysicist claims he and his colleagues are in contact with extraterrestrials, who are living among us.
- Is there a billion-year technology gap between us and ET?
- Adrian Gibbs, the Oz virologist who said in May that swine flu may have escaped from a laboratory, recently published his findings.
- Oceanic crust formation is dynamic after all.
- Plasmas have healing powers.
- Cancer-vaccine implant tells immune system how to kill cancer cells.
- How science is shackled by intellectual property.
- Ghost hunters claim apparition led them to bones.
- Non-binding self-flagellation: We don’t want to change. We want to talk about changing.
- Rumsfeld let Bin Laden escape, says Senate report.
Thanks, Greg.
Quote of the Day:
Doubt is our product, since it is the best means of competing with the ‘body of fact’ that exists in the mind of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy.
Infamous tobacco industry memo on how to discredit the medical consensus that cigarettes cause lung cancer and emphysema.