Assorted fairy tales…
- Fairy tales have ancient origin.
- The age of enhancement.
- UFO filmed for 40 minutes by Chinese scientists during solar eclipse.
- Lost world of fanged frogs and giant rats discovered.
- Economics is not a natural science.
- Coming loose in time.
- Memories of war.
- The price for a timely estimate of death.
- A squint into the future.
- Plasmobot: the slime mould robot.
- AIDS is a mass murderer.
- We are all mutants.
- A cordless future for electricity?
- Dogs first tamed in China to be food?
- Humans may have reached Europe far earlier.
- Dravidian only a British construct.
- Inside the aurorae.
- When species will go 404.
- Would pain-free animals make a more humane hamburger? More here.
Quote of the Day:
Any man who afflicts the human race with ideas must be prepared to see them misunderstood.
H.L. Mencken